Product Description
81 Gallon Commercial Gas 180,000 BTU
Compatible with Flexcon Industries PH12 Expansion Tank (4.8gal) expansion tank
3-Year Limited Warranty
MasterFit Ultra Low Nox Commercial Gas Tank-Type Water Heaters
All models meet ANSI Z21.10.3 - CSA 4.3 standards and the thermal efficiency and standby loss requirements of the U.S. Department of Energy and current edition of ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1
All models comply with Texas and So. California
SCAQMD Rule 1146.2
- Eighty plus percentage thermal efficiency affords lower operating costs on most models.
- FAN ASSISTED COMBUSTION Fan Assisted Combustion- The blower is built into the Low NOx burner assembly for Ultra-Low NOx readings that comply with SCQAMD rule1146.2 of 14 ng/j or 20 ppm.
- METAL VENTING Rated Category I Appliance. Uses standard double wall type B vent. Can be commonly vented with other Category I appliances. Vent connects directly to the vent connector outlet. No Draft hood or barometric damper required. Perfect choice for retrofit and upgrade installations.
- WATER CONNECTIONS - For ease of installation, all BTLs feature water connections on the top, front, and rear. The Eliminator inlet water connection eliminates harmful scale buildup, extending the life of the product. The front inlet connection must be used for the Eliminator benefits
- GLASS LINED TANK - Permaglas® Ultracoat is the proprietary ceramic coating developed by A. O. Smiths ceramic engineers specifically for the heater. It is applied after the complete tank has been assembled to give a seamless barrier against hot water corrosion
- INSTALLED COST SAVINGS - When multiple BTL units are exclusively used in a vent manifold, use the National Fuel Gas Code Table 13 Vent Sizing information to determine vent diameter and specifications. The BTL often uses a smaller vent diameter than a natural draft water heater which saves on installation cost
- FULLY AUTOMATIC DIGITAL CONTROLS WITH SAFETY SHUTOFF - Accurate, dependable control system. Features a two speed blower control for smooth main burner light-off. Manual reset gas shutoff device for added safety. Maximum inlet gas pressure is 14 W.C. Minimum gas pressure is 3.5 W.C. Natural Gas.
- FOAM INSULATION - Saves fuel, helps reduce standby heat loss.
- JACKET- Heavy gauge steel finished with a baked enamel finish over a bonderized undercoat.
- EASY CLEANING - Handhole cleanout allows access for easy cleaning.
- FULLY TESTED FOR SAFETY AND PERFORMANCE - Design certifi ed by the Underwriters Laboratory for 180°F hot water service. Meets rigid requirements of the National Sanitation Foundation when equipped with optional leg kit. Certified for use on combustible flooring.
- INTERMITTENT IGNITION DEVICE - Eliminates standing pilot. Provides flame failure response in less than one second. Power ON/OFF switch.
- EASY TO INSTALL - Completely factory-assembled. Only gas, water, vent and electric connections need be made. Provided with drain valve.
- ANODES - CoreGuard™ long-life, stainless steel core anode rods.
- PLUG KITS - Pipe nipples and caps are included to plug unused water connections.